We are asking that everyone adhere to the following eight major items of need:
*Cheerios cereal
*Canned vegetables of any kind
*Canned fruit of any kind
*Peanut butter and jelly, no glass containers
*Canned tuna or chicken
*Canned soups, hearty variety
*Ready to go meals like Chef Boyardee
*Canned beans of any kind
Marked grocery bags to fill are currently available at every entrance of our church, open during the hours listed on our website ( https://stanndc.org/), or you may use your own bag.
If you are unable to participate in the food drive, we welcome your monetary donations at jsmff.org/donate. Monetary donations are used to purchase fresh produce, milk and eggs, meat and poultry.
If you would like to volunteer to help staff the Drive, please contact Elizabeth Snee at [email protected]