Enter the tan iron gate at the intersection of Yuma Street and Wisconsin Avenue. Proceed through the iron gate and walk straight ahead to the door at the end of the walkway.
Church Address:
4001 Yuma St. NW
Washington, DC 20016
Many authors focus on living mindfully in the present, always keeping the end in mind. Prominent psychologists tell us the same thing: thinking about our own mortality, knowing that we have an “expiration date,” is truly life-oriented, and can help us to live with more gratitude and thoughtfulness for the moments we have left. Join us on Sunday, November 16, in the Undercroft, from 9:00am to 12 noon for a wide-ranging discussion about death and dying. The presentation will include concrete ideas about how to think about end-of-life issues from a Catholic faith-based perspective, and will provide an opportunity to think about the meaning and beauty of Catholic funeral rites. Materials, including a checklist for planning a Catholic funeral, will be provided.
Your End-of-Life Matters: Lent is the perfect opportunity to allow God to enter into a deeper relationship with us. His love for us is so abundant that he gave his only Son, who died for us so that we might have eternal life. It is also a perfect time to look at our own lives and ponder how we are called to be witnesses to Christ, even in our passing from this world. The Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of Washington warmly invite you start or update your end-of-life planning (basically, planning for what you wish to happen at the end of your life). Maybe you have already started planning. Or perhaps you have avoided or delayed thinking about it. That's human nature. We are all at different places when it comes to the difficult questions about death and dying. So, you are invited to think of this, not as a one-time event, but rather, the beginning of a thoughtful process. The Church recognizes the sacredness of life at every stage and invites us to approach the end of our lives with dignity and the great hope of life eternal. As faithful Christians, we hope to leave a legacy that inspires others in their journey of faith and carries out our deepest values. The mystery of life is that we don't know when it will end, so these are issues for people of all ages. To help us along, Catholic Cemeteries will be available to answer questions and provide materials on November 16 from 9:00am to noon in the Parish Undercroft. Come with your questions!