Enter the tan iron gate at the intersection of Yuma Street and Wisconsin Avenue. Proceed through the iron gate and walk straight ahead to the door at the end of the walkway.
Church Address:
4001 Yuma St. NW
Washington, DC 20016
Whether you’re a fan of The Chosen TV series, or a newbie, you don’t want to miss our group viewing of the Season 3 Finale! This episode includes the feeding of 5,000, a powerful depiction of Simon-Peter’s personal crisis, and Jesus’ saving walk on water. Not since Mel Gibson’s The Passion has there been a more masterful portrayal of Gospel stories. There is a reason The Chosen series is the largest crowdfunded project in media history!
Come and watch it with us! Free pizza and refreshments will be provided. Informal discussion, moderated by our pastor, Msgr. Watkins, follows the screening.
This event is sponsored by our parish Knights of Columbus Washington Council #224.