Highlights from the Third Annual St. Ann DC Flea and Craft Market
We were able to raise a grand total of $9,160.35 — through cash, credit, and vendor sales — to benefit our parish’s youth and community programs! This is a 14% increase from last year.
We hosted it over 2 days, with adjusted hours and a 50% off sale on Sunday.
We had upwards of 15 vendors each day.
Donations included many treasures and nice items and filled the Gym.
We had a steady flow of shoppers which started with more than 60 people waiting in line before the doors opened on Saturday at 9:00am!
All leftover items were donated to Goodwill, Gabriel Project, and a local men’s shelter.
This event could not have happened without all the support of our 35+ volunteers!:
Our Knights of Columbus Washington Council #224 hosted a vendor table both days and created very beautiful balloons for children on Saturday. On Sunday, they had coffee and donuts and were instrumental in getting all the leftover items to Goodwill.
The Mother Butler Guild again cooked their delicious food and sold it on Saturday. They also helped with some of the last-minute preparations on Saturday morning before the doors opened.
Troop 100 had Scouts on hand during our donation drop-off day. They also picked up donations from people’s homes and delivered purchased items after the event.
Youth Program representation included our dedicated youth volunteer, Bridget Kenney, who was a delight to work with and an incredible help in every aspect of the event. We also had several volunteers help sort clothes and move donated items.
The ARK Young Adult Group and the Men’s Program had volunteer representatives supporting the preparations, sales, and close out.
The Parish Pastoral Council was fully represented and instrumental throughout preparations, sales and close out.
Many dedicated parishioners were there, volunteering many hours throughout the event and got to know one another, share their talents, and enjoy being part of the event.
We wish to give a very special thank you to Msgr. Watkins, Elizabeth Snee, Susan Gibbs, Liza Lindenberg, Andreas Lindenberg, James Benton, Natalie Lucey, Leo Argumedo, Rae Ann Bevington, Peter Catama, Gonzalo Sarmiento, Manuel Membreno, and Santos Membreno, for all of their hard work and dedication that make this event possible. And to you, reader, thank you for your support!