This time of formation has been a huge blessing for me. Now at the end of it, I can see with more clarity how the Lord has been working in so many ways, more than I can even perceive. “I bless the Lord who counsels me; even at night my heart exhorts me.” (Ps 16:7). This has been my experience throughout these years. These past 4 years in the States have been a time of huge growth and learning.
Studying in the nation’s Capital was a great opportunity. There I came in contact with people from so many different backgrounds, forcing me to connect and learn from others and their life experiences. Learning how to evangelize the students in DC has been a challenge and a source of great joy. Students are go-getters and are in it for something big. Something very special happens there on campus. While many Gospel teachings are contested by the culture and the school, a strong community of friends was formed.
I am grateful to the Lord for this wonderful opportunity. I had the occasion to learn the great traditions of our Church and her wealth of knowledge. Then, find avenues to present it to a culture that seems to neglect or reject what they think is old and outdated.
Christ is alive, His teachings are relevant today, and they have the power to transform any reality. That is what I witnessed these past four years in DC.